Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just a taste.....

I want to get a bit of practice doing this blog thing so here are a few photos from a weekend trip Neil and I did last fall (2009) through southern BC and northern Washington. 

We had just crossed the Needles ferry going toward Nakusp and I was willing to stop for lunch but Neil was more interested in fixing a flat tire. Missed his chance.

                                                                                                                                                                       It was about 4 PM when we got to Kaslo. It would have been a good place to stop but I was being a butthead so we went to Nelson.

Taking a break between Nelway and Trail along the Pend D'Orielle River.

Here's Palmer Lake, on our way back into Canada via the border crossing at Nighthawk. Now that's calm.
  That's all for now folks.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

5 Weeks until Departure

Hey All, I thought we could get into the 90's by posting our trip reports on a blog. Looking for some input and ideas. Hey Meg, Can I use my own photos for a background image? I'll try posting some photos tomorrow from camp.
Talk to you tomorrow.