Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rio Gallegos

First of all, if your interested, I edited the last post to add a photo and some text about the road and the wind.
Today we made the short hop (about 320 km) to Rio Gallegos after a lazy start. I even had a third cup of coffee. First time in a long time. Tomorrow the plan is to do the double border crossing from Argentina to Chile and back into Argentina. This puts us on Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego at Rio Grande.
We actually saw a bit of wildlife along Ruta 5 today. There were lots of Rheas and guanacos. We tried stopping to get pictures but they're a little camera shy. Or gun shy depending on your point of view.
The best part was that it wasn't windy except for a few freak gusts.
Countryside southeast of El Calafate


Valley of the Rio Santa Cruz that runs out of Lago Argentino.

Guanaco bums at maximum telephoto.

The waterfront in Rio Gallegos on the Atlantic side of South America.

A monument to honour the war dead who perished when the British sunk the Argentine battleship General Belgrano during the Falklands (Malvinas) conflict.

And another to remember the pilots who died during the 1982 war. Interesting to see history from a different perspective.
Gotta go now. It's after 5 pm. Somewhere.

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